A 311

A 311

18 avril, 2024

3 DURAS: l'expression du regret


PRACTICE (2): regrets

Complete using the right form of the verb.

1-Someone broke into my house yesterday. If only I had locked the door!

2-I don’t have a best friend. I wish I had one!

3-I’m in love with this boy…. If only he liked me back!

4-We had an exam last week and I failed. I wish I had worked harder!

5-I miss my mum… I wish she were here.

6-We ran fast but we lost the race. If only we had won.

Rephrase to express regrets.

1-We missed our plane. If only we hadn’t missed our plane!

2-He hates me I wish he didn’t hate me!

3-They lost the race. If only they hadn’t lost the race.

4-I don’t know my grandparents. I wish I knew my grandparents.

5-My sister isn’t nice with me! If only she were nice with me.

6-She isn’t here. I wish she were here!

Read the situation and write two sentences to express Lola’s regrets.

Lola’s parents offered her an expensive mobile phone for her birthday. A week later, she went to a nightclub with her friends. She took a cab to go home and she forgot her mobile phone on the back seat…                                                                                 

If only she hadn’t been to a nightclub!

She wishes she had stayed home!

If only she hadn’t forgotten her mobile phone on the back seat!

If only she hadn’t lost her phone!

She wishes she hadn’t forgotten her mobile phone.


Lock: verrouiller / fermer à clé

Fail: échouer

Cab: taxi

Back seat: banquette(siège) arrière (voiture)

Front seat: siège avant (voiture)


The idiom of the day:

"it's raining in great amounts"

"feeling of nervousness"

17 avril, 2024

3 LE BESCO: holiday homework!

 Si tu n'as pas accès à l'ENT, regarde la vidéo puis réponds aux questions de la fiche donnée en classe (elles apparaissent aussi ci-dessous)


15 avril, 2024

3 LE BESCO: exercises!

 PRACTICE (1): probability in the past

Complete using the right personal object pronoun.

1- They are Paul and Peter, I like them a lot!

2- Jane is my mum’s friend. She often goes out with her.

3- When do you do your homework? I always do them after school.

4- Does your brother often eat pasta? Yes, he loves it!

5- John and I have a flat in Madrid, you can come visit us.


Translate into English.

1-Ted m’a harcelé l’an dernier donc le directeur l’a convoqué.

Ted bullied me last year, so the headmaster summoned him.

2-Elle voulait les frapper mais je l’ai arrêtée.

She wanted to hit them but I stopped her.

3-La police le connaît bien, ils savent qu’il l’a fait.

The police knows him well, they know he did it.

Express probability in the past using three different auxiliaries.

90%    it / scare / her = It must have scared her.

90%    murderer / destroy / evidence. = The murderer must have destroyed the evidence.

90%    victim / hate / bullies. = The victim must have hated her bullies.

50%    she / cry a lot = She may have cried a lot.

25%    There be / a solution, who knows = There might have been a solution, who knows.


Want to + base verbale: vouloir faire quelque chose

Summon: convoqué

Headmaster: directeur/principal

Last year: l’année dernière

Evidence: des preuves

11 avril, 2024

3 DURAS: the poem!


I am

I am the person you bullied at school,

I am the person who didn’t how to be cool,

I am the person you alienated,

I am the person you ridiculed and hated.


I am the person who sat on her own,

I am the person who walked home alone,

I am the person you scared every day,

I am the person who had nothing to say.


I am the person with hurt in her eyes,

I am the person you never saw cry,

I am the person living alone with her fears,

I am the person destroyed by her peers.


I am the person who drowned in your scorn,

I am the person who wished she hadn’t been born,

I am the person you destroyed for fun,

I am the person, but not the only one.


I am the person whose name you don’t know,

I am the person who just can’t let go,

I am the person who has feelings too,

And I am a person, just like you.                                        a poem by Laura, Bullying UK



The poem

The poem is about the feelings of a bullied girl. In the poem, she says the students make fun of her, she also feels ostracized and alone.      

Her feelings

She must have been hurt. She must have felt alone.

She must have felt powerless because of the bullying.

She must have had suicidal thoughts because she says « I am the person who wished she hadn’t been born.»  She is expressing regrets.


Powerless: impuissant

Suicidal thoughts: des pensées suicidaires


The idiom of the day:

 "not paying attention"

"good luck"

3 LE BESCO: probability in the past!


Upsetting : dérangeant / gênant

Someone : quelqu’un

Threaten : menacer

Dump : quitter / “larguer”

Ostracize : exclure





 Click and practice 1


Click and practice 2!