A 311

A 311

17 octobre, 2024

6 Petillon: the video!


 Click and watch!

The document is a video.

The title is Winning the Spelling Bee.

The document is about the rules of the Spelling Bee.


Title: titre

Win: gagner

Winner: gagnant

Lose: perdre

Loser: perdant

Be about: parler de

Rules: des règles


6 Uderzo: the video!




The document is a video.

The title is Winning the Spelling Bee.

The document is about the rules of the Spelling Bee.


Be about: parler de

Rules: des règles

Win: gagner

Winner: gagnant

Lose: perdre

Loser: perdant


14 octobre, 2024

6 Petillon: the lesson!


In my classroom, I can repeat and I can help my classmates.

I must try my best!

I mustn’t speak French too much.

6 Uderzo: the lesson!


In my classroom, I can repeat and I can clean the board.

I must be quiet and I must try my best!

I must not speak French and I must not make fun of my classmates.

6 Uderzo: exercises!


Be rude: être grossier

Daydream: rêvasser

Do : faire

Homework: des devoirs

Chat : bavarder

Forget: oublier

Be nice : être gentil

Be late : être en retard

Make fun of : se moquer de

Say hello : dire bonjour

Classmate: camarade

Raise my hand : lever ma main

Try my best : faire de mon mieux